Thought power creates reality
The PM-Regionalvertretung des Pferdesportverbands Saar e.V. had invited to a seminar for mental training for riders and people interested in equestrian sports on 28 October 2018 at the grounds of the Bliesen riding and driving club.
The speaker, Wolfgang Kutting, international trainer and Grand Prix judge, already set special accents with the selection of the topic "Thought Power Creates Reality".
After the target definition of "mental training" and the subsequent presentation of the different brain wave types such as beta, alpha, theta and delta waves and their relevance, a practical relaxation exercise was immediately carried out, which was gladly implemented by all participants.
The speaker explained various breathing techniques and gave support with the help of
meditative music and comprehensible linguistic instructions. In this context, Wolfgang Kutting referred to the so-called scientifically proven "heart intelligence method" of the HeartMath Institute in California, with whose exercises a higher coherence between brain and heart can be established. As a result, the function of the vegetative nervous system is optimized, i.e. there is a measurable improvement in heart rate variability and, as a result, more emotional serenity, creativity and stress tolerance, all prerequisites without which effective mental training is not possible.
In order to answer the question whether "mental training is just an act as if", a short trip into the world of
quantum physics was necessary. The latest scientific findings, which the speaker passionately presented, made the audience listen spellbound.
Wolfgang Kutting made it clear that we can make our thoughts so real that the brain changes
and looks as if the event had already occurred in physical reality. On the basis of the only mental idea of cutting a lemon open, smelling it and then biting it heartily, the topic could be
confirmed in a very practical way.
Kutting then went into so-called beliefs, which were positively reinterpreted by the participants on the basis of some examples such as "I can't do that anyway" or "The others can certainly do it better". Likewise the meaning and the resulting consequences of the "self-fulfilling prophecy" could be exemplified by the example "I can never do that".
"Only he who knows his goal can achieve it". In this context, the formulation of goals with the help of the SMART method was discussed in more detail and practiced on the basis of examples.
Beyond the importance of ideomotoric training, i.e. learning or improving a sequence of movements through
intensive, conscious, repeated presentation of a sporting action without simultaneous actual practice, the concretisation phase of the practical implementation was then carried out.
Using the example of riding a walk pirouette, all relevant modalities of execution were discussed together with the participants and the individual movement sequences were compiled in a "flow diagram" for mental anchoring.
The speaker expressly emphasized that without a clear idea of how a pirouette in walk should also look like from a point of view as a judge and the exact knowledge of the individual movement sequences, this exercise cannot be carried out exactly and harmoniously at the same time.
With the help of a video with slow motion sequences and corresponding explanations, the participants were
given a clear idea of this lesson.
After a short lunch break, the practical part of the lesson took place in the indoor riding arena. Four riders
of different training levels demonstrated walk pirouettes and simple transitions between trot and walk on the basis of clear instructions from the instructor. It could be stated that the required
exercises could be completed relatively effortlessly by the riders, which proves that the previous mental focus with prioritization on the individual movement segments was goal-prominent.
In the following feedback round the participants thanked the speaker for his understandable and very
well-founded explanations of a topic that was not necessarily easy for everyone to understand, but which he was able to convey very entertainingly, interestingly and excitingly with many
emotionally charged experiences from his worldwide trainer and coaching activities.
Wolfgang Kutting's concluding own quote "Enjoy the ride to your soul" should be remembered by many participants and provide sustainability for many.
Xenophon e.V. Seminar about the "Mystery of the half halts"
It couldn't be more vivid!
Wolfgang Kutting regional representative for Rhineland-Palatinate/Saar of Xenophon registered association mediated on the occasion of the Xenophon seminar on 3
February in Lehmen deep insights into the "mystery of the half halts". With a PowerPoint lecture, full of pictograms and detailed film sequences in slow motion and a passionate demonstration with
the active involvement of the audience, the mystery was demystified by half halts.
After the lunch break, Jasmin Lange and Kerstin Kutting demonstrated with two horses at different levels of training, which means horse-friendly riding according to
the training principles of Xenophon.
The spectators were given hints and comments, e. g. full halt were sensibly introduced and executed according to the criteria, canter pirouettes were worked out and
a harmonious and natural passage can be shown without tension.
Wolfgang Kutting did not miss to point out again and again that all lessons are not to be understood as an end in themselves but as a tried and tested means to an
end, namely a horse-friendly training.
In the feedback round that followed, there was a lively exchange of information among the audience, which clearly showed how important it is to demystify certain
hippological terms such as the "half halts".
If I always do the same thing, I always get the same "
In order to escape this trap, the PST Trier's riding department held a seminar on "Biomechanics of the horse as the basis for any horse-friendly training" at the Monaise riding
facility with Wolfgang Kutting, Grand Prix Judge, Xenophon e. V. Regional representatives of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, experienced instructor at home and abroad and above all himself
successfully riding in the highest classes.
With the above mentioned quote Wolfgang Kutting opened the one-day seminar, which was attended by a considerable number of interested people from the Trier region and the surrounding area on that
autumn Sunday.
Why the well-meaning rider does not always achieve his goal by using the same methods is often answered in biomechanical contexts, which are not necessarily well-known to all who are swinging on
the horse.
Wolfgang Kutting tried to bring light into the darkness in his dynamic way. He started with the bridge construction of the horse's body, which he demonstrated with a self-made bow. Furthermore,
he quoted Francois Baucher's "the neck is the gate to the hindquarters" and made enlightening remarks about the set of the buttocks of the occipital bone, the "Processus Paracondylaris" and its
effect on the flexibility of the neck and the possibility or impossibility to place a horse, if the latter is arrested due to a hyperflexion in the first vertebrae of the neck and thereby impairs
its natural functioning
His lecture on the multifidi-muscles at the spinal column and their role as psychosensory transfer stations between humans and horses attracted particular attention, to name but a few
Mr. Kutting explained the seemingly dry matter with a lot of enthusiasm and humour, decorated his explanations with experiences from his own practice as a judge, instructor or rider and made it
easy for the audience to follow him through his entertaining style of presentation.
After the lunch break we continued with the practical demonstration. Four riders from the PST Trier had made themselves available with their horses. The range of the horse was considerable: from
the younger jumper to the experienced jumper, from the Haflinger presented on the curb to the M- to the trakehner with good teaching skills at S-level.
Wolfgang Kutting explained in practice the connections mentioned in the theory by means of the respective equestrian horse pair. He constantly involved the audience, asked for an assessment of
what he saw and tried to improve the elasticity and the movement potential of each horse by providing specific hints for the rider. The spectators were there with great attention. There was a
lively dialogue with Mr Kutting, who was also open to critical remarks. For the riders, the precision with which the respective help was announced by Wolfgang Kutting at the right time was very
helpful. Particularly heretical, because deviating from the traditional Hippological beliefs, but effective, was the light trotting on the so-called "false foot" with corresponding parade on the
supporting hind leg. The effect was enormous in all subjects. The trot gained momentum and dynamism.
Despite the autumnal temperatures, all participants stayed focused until the end of the race. It was clear that Wolfgang Kutting has a great deal of experience as a trainer and is an inspiring
riding instructor.
The echo after the event was unanimous:"Gladly again!
The equestrian department of the Hofgut Monaise is looking forward to further cooperation with Wolfgang Kutting and has already invited him for a dressage course in January 2016.
(Katharina Graeper)
From left: Marvin Engels with Böckchen , Me! hehehe, Kerstin Isabel Kutting with Jerome, Wolfgang Kutting and Kristina Alina Kutting with Smarty
It was to be the first of its kind. The focus was on the 7th neck vertebrae and its problems stemming from a widely chosen form of training with Dressage and Showjumping horses at the moment. Firstly a biomechanical riding and judges aspect of the damage of Roll-Kur, a veterinary explanation of the health damage and well then came me – the Spiritual side.
The night before, our participating vet called to inform us that she was extremely sick and would not be able to join the seminar. So it was now up to Wolfgang and I to provide as much information we could ourselves to cover the afternoon ahead of us.
That turned out to be not a problem!
In a country where I thought they would never be ready to hear what I had to say, even though in my heart I always felt they needed it the most, because of one man – Wolfgang Kutting who, in his own words ‘was taking a risk doing this seminar with me, not knowing exactly what it was that I was going to say’, opened the doors for the first seminar involving the Spiritual connection to classical riding, given in Germany, with a very special group of people coming with their hearts wide open to what was about to happen on this day.
Not to mention Wolfgang’s desire for me to do this in German was a challenge for me, thank fully I was understood!
The smiles that were present from three wonderful riders and their horses! During the practical demonstration in between our talks, Marvin Engels, Kristina Aline
Kutting and Kerstin Isabel Kutting entered with their best friends and helped us explain why training with respect for an animal ultimately teaches respect for ourselves and each other.
It was informative, refreshing and positive in all directions. To have the explanations physically explained so beautifully by Wolfgang, then to see it so clearly shown by the riders Marvin,
Kristina and Kerstin was evidence enough for these wonderful viewers why a new direction of pain on horses will not and cannot be allowed for much longer.
For me my talk was mainly upon WHY one would even choose to train in this way.
Most of it is a closed heart chakra and stuck in the illusion of life. The focus of this seminar chosen by Wolfgang, was on the 7th neck vertebrae of the horse – here is where the heart chakra of the horse is situated. Horses are a reflection of their human partners and to understand their problems is to understand our own.
The gracious young man Marvin Engels, showing his dedication to one horse by pursuing her growth from Roll-Kur to classical. Always a smile from this young Knight.
What I was blessed to have learnt and experienced during my years spent with Paul Warnke and Josef Freese will be ingrained in my heart and Soul for the rest of my
life. To come back to a country that I held so much respect for and to see the place that once stood its ground with patience, correct training and honor
towards horses and a system, be completely lost to now only a few people, was for me devastating.
In the days I rode for Paul and for Josef, except the rare few horses (unfortunately needing to be sold quickly) draw reins, fast tracking their training before their ideal age or mental
ability, using stronger bits and using double bridles (more than once/twice a week for older horses) was for both the Dressage horses and the Show Jumpers, simply not allowed.
The beautiful young 6yo Jerome – owned by the Kutting family. He was started by Kerstin (riding) and trained classically (no Roll-Kur, draw reins, strong bits) by Wolfgang and his two daughters Kerstin and Kristina.
Sometimes things need to become really bad before we make change. In the competitive horse industry of Showjumping and Dressage, worldwide, things for the horses are very, very bad.
To be able to have the chance to speak to a group of people willing to understand what is going on in their own lives but also in the lives of those around them, with compassion and understanding, is showing the shift in this industry already.
The connection, information, shared views,
open hearts and open minds that Wolfgang and I have been blessed to share together, made this day possible. It is the bridging of two worlds that for most people, are
either unaware of one of them existing or are unaware that one does not exist without the other. We are functioning from multiple levels and they are all influenced by one source –
individually and collectively – our Souls.
It was not a day of showmanship nor of talents and abilities, although the beauty of these horses and riders always shone through, it was a day of awareness, of knowledge and of the power of putting the health and wellbeing, not only of our horses, but of our hearts truest callings to come first.
I am so
grateful to my dear friend Wolfgang for the opportunity that he gave to me and to us all, to be there and speak to such a wonderful group of people. To his amazing wife Heike and
daughters Kerstin and Kristina, who are in themselves, a force of light but most of all to a group of people who came to listen, to open their minds, who held no judgments and walked away with
each of their lights shining just that little bit brighter, making our world for these horses and for these humans, a better place to be in.
From left – The ever powerful inner strength of Kerstin Isabel Kutting together with her sister an extremely noble soul, Kristina Aline Kutting
ALL of these beautiful photos and more were taken by Photographer Kristina Schumacher. Thank you so much Kristina!
A story of two teachers – Lee and Jerome will be written soon